The world is a colorful place, and if you’re not out there exploring it, then sometimes it’s easy to forget! So if you’re cooped up in an office staring out the window at a bleak and dreary winter scene, here are some destinations from across the globe to brighten up your day and inspire you to #TravelTheRainbow
Red: Daigo-Ji Temple, Japan
Not only is this temple an absolute beauty, but it’s also of huge cultural significance to Japan. It’s a designated World Heritage Site, and provides the Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism a place of community and worship. For travelers, it’s an amazing sight to behold. It’s situated on a mountainside and surrounded by a wealth of nature to complement its deep red hues perfectly.
Orange: Vermillion Cliffs, Arizona
There are so many colorful, orange places in Arizona’s vast desert that we struggled to narrow it down to just the one. However, the USA’s home of the Grand Canyon also hides some lesser-known secrets, such as the Vermillion Cliffs with their impressive swirls and twists.
A post shared by Tripping (@tripping) on Nov 22, 2017 at 10:43am PST
Yellow: Dallol, Ethiopia
It’s hot. It’s remote, but it’s a must-see. The volcanic hot springs of the Dallol volcano appears as a neon yellow color because of minerals and elements such as sulfur, iron and salt which are found among the hot magma. We can’t stress enough how important it is not to get too close, though. These pools can be acidic and toxic gases can even kill. Eeek – stay back!
A post shared by Natsu (@natsuco__) on Jan 19, 2017 at 12:52pm PST
Pink: Lake Retba, Senegal
This isn’t a filter – there are a few pink lakes in the world, and Lake Retba is one of them. If you’re lucky enough to be heading through this African nation, you’ll see its pink coloring thanks to a certain kind of algae. There’s true discoloration, which means that you don’t have to squint to see the hues. As a World Heritage Site, it’s becoming easier to visit (it’s only an hour from the country’s capital). And you can even swim in it – you might float though, due to exceedingly high salt content!
Green: Bali Rice Paddies
Making the pilgrimage to Indonesia? Seeing the rice paddies of Bali is like a rite of passage. Used literally for growing rice, they make incredible backdrops for all those Insta-snap memories you’ll keep long after Instagram stops being a thing.
Blue: Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Ah, Australia. Home to some of the bluest oceans in the world, and plenty of fishy friends living in there. Visiting the Great Barrier Reef should be on everyone’s bucket list; but it needs to be respected. In recent years, conservation efforts have been strong. Still, it’s worth moving this one up on your bucket list if you are dreaming of diving or snorkeling there. It might not be around forever. Sad face indeed.
A post shared by SALTY WiNGS (@saltywings) on Apr 22, 2017 at 6:18am PDT
Indigo: Northern Lights, Iceland
While there are many colors of the Northern Lights, and a fair few places to see them, perhaps the indigo hues are the rarest and among the most beautiful. Venturing to Iceland doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you’ll see them, but it certainly heightens your chances; and the landscapes are drop dead gorgeous as well.
A post shared by Travel & Vacation (@travacs) on Nov 24, 2017 at 8:21pm PST
Violet: The Lavender Fields of Provence
Flowers are pretty, sure, but they rarely turn heads like the Lavender Fields of Provence in France. Not only do the fields look amazing, but there’s an incredible aroma here, too. France – just like a lot of Europe – is known for its rich and idyllic lush scenery. Just be careful that you don’t get nod off picnicking nearby. Lavender has long been used as a sleep aid!
So if one of your New Year’s resolutions is to get out of your comfort zone, travel more and experience new cultures why not give one of these colorful and unique locations a try OR see them all and shape your own rainbow inspired travel adventure with STA Travel’s Multi-city flights!
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