The first step to adopt integrative medicine in your clinic or medical center, in addition to the studies required in any area of health, is to guarantee that your center’s clinical staff is made up of a variety of professionals willing to work together Hapé.
If, on the other hand, you are an independent specialist and care for your patients in a private office, nothing prevents you from building your own alliances with other health professionals who share the same vision regarding integrative medicine and wish to form a team.
Keep in mind that the treatment plan must be integrated and shared among the entire team. To facilitate this simultaneous monitoring, a tip is to have Medical Management Software that allows the creation of personalized electronic clinical records.
At the time of the consultation itself, it is important to carry out a more therapeutic protocol, independent of the area of intervention. The diagnoses are longer and more in-depth, encouraging the patient to mention when she began to present symptoms, in what situations they appear most frequently and what she has done to reduce them.
Thus, integrative medicine focuses on the person and not the disease. Medications and treatments (alternative or conventional) should be suggested considering all possible therapeutic approaches and disciplines, as well as the patient’s own opinion.
It is essential that any orientation be accompanied by understandable and direct explanations, so that the patient understands the details of the treatment and feels part of the decision-making.